These online libraries hold huge numbers of free ebooks. Mainly tested in search for 19th century expedition books and literature classics.
- Project Gutenberg multilingual, mainly english, traductions, different ebook-formats
- Toronto Public Library multilingual, mainly english and french, traductions, old books mostly pdf with scans
- Gallica, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, multilingual, mainly french, traductions, old books mostly pdf with scans, also other media like photos
- Zulu Ebooks, german, different ebook-formats
- Bibliothèque numérique romande (Suisse), french, traductions, different ebook-formats
- eBooks and text, many books, not easy to search though
Some others of interest:
- Europeana, multilingual, searches and deep-links into other national or regional online libraries
- OECD iLibrary, scientific papers
- The Biodiversity Heritage Library, biologic library including old publications
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